
Battlefield 3 Beta Glitch In Real Life --

Battlefield 3News (52)Previews (16)ReviewVideos (37)Screenshots (24)Cheats and WalkthroughsBattlefield 3News (49)Previews (16)ReviewVideos (35)Screenshots (24)Cheats and WalkthroughsBattlefield 3News (57)Previews (16)ReviewVideos (38)Screenshots (24)Cheats and Walkthroughs Battlefield 3's beta has left some gamers with mixed feelings about DICE's upcoming FPS. The beta, on all platforms, has been plagued with some weird glitches, some are even game breaking. It goes without saying (but here I go anyway) the BF3 beta is not a reflection of the finished product. The retail copy of the game will hopefully do away with these bugs, but in the mean time, we will exploit them and make fun of them mercilessly.One of the funniest glitches in BF3 is the "Nessie." Yes, I'm the only one who calls it that. The glitch has already been parodied with a "in real life" video.Keep reading to see the original video of the "Nessie" glitch. Here's the glitch of a gamer watching an enemy grow a long neck, flop along the map and shoot with his magical glitched gun. The video is rated H for "Hilarious."Tips? Suggestions? Find me on Twitter.

