
3DS Yoshi, Ace Attorney reveals next week

As well as the rather ugly looking Expansion Slide Pad, a new attachment which adds a second circle pad and set of trigger buttons to 3DS, Nintendo's expected to use its pre-TGS conference next week to announce a new batch of 3DS software. Famitsu has already outed Monster Hunter for 3DS, but according to rumours picked up and translated by Gematsu there are plenty more announcements in store.A new Yoshi side-scroller is apparently in the works at Kirby's Epic Yarn developer Good-Feel, a fifth Ace Attorney featuring Miles Edgeworth is on the way, as is a multiplatform God Eater title for 3DS and Vita, plus a new Etrian Odyssey for 3DS.Nintendo's also expected to announce plans to release a Super Mario Land 3D demo, and to date The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords for eShop. Tom Ivan

