


The Erift goldxplorers is a delightful book. It is delightful for its vivid descriptions of the fifteenth century seamen who set out to explore the unknown Atlantic and for its colourful English. It is delightful also for the charming sketches included here and there by a most unusual artist-author.
1) The seamen described in the book speak colourful English.

2) The beautiful drawings that are present in the book describe both Atlantic and England.

Dialogue adds variety to a story and thus stimulates the reader’s interest. It makes the action seem real and may throw light on the characters and the circumstances. In real life a word or speech may be quite as important as an act.
3) Sometimrift goldes, dialogue bears the same as or even more importance than an action.

There are many different ways of preserving history. The ancient Egyptians carved theirs in stone. The Dead Sea Scrolls were written on leather and parchment. Recently, history has been recorded not only on paper, but also on film, phonograph discs, and tape.
4) The main aim of this passage is to enumerate ways of preserving history in ancient times and the present.

