"People should be very careful about giving out their IRD number and any other personal details."。He said it was notoriously difficult to track down those behind such scam emails and websites.。Dunne and members of his staff received emails today telling them they had tax refunds waiting for them and only had to click on the given link and fill out a claim form to get them.。Dunne said no one should reply to such an email or click on the links in the email,ro RMT.。"So it is likely either Nigerian scammers or Labour trying to add to its email databases."。"Needless to say,pso2 RMT, I am not clicking on the link or filling in any form and I can only repeat Inland Revenue's regular warnings on such email requests," Dunne said.。"Inland Revenue would never send you a hyperlink in an email. Delete the email from your inbox and trash folders," he said.。
- Peter Dunne - Source: ONE News